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Showing posts from April, 2017

MY BIO / My Heritage Project (MP4)

All students will complete a Constructed Response on Google Classroom about "Heritage". Once complete, you will use your time in class to begin a 10-slide presentation on Google Slides called "MyBio". You will include at least 4 pictures and 10 slides. See instructions below for specific requirements. You must SHARE this project with Mr. S for credit. "What is HERITAGE" Please read the following article "What Is Heritage" below and write an email to MR. S (  (4-5 Sentences) about why learning about your own family heritage is important to you. Please include a brief description of where your family if from, and how you are going to spend time in search of your ancestors. What is Heritage?  Heritage is the full range of our inherited traditions, monuments, objects, and culture. Most important, it is the range of contemporary activities, meanings, and behaviors that we draw from them. Heritage includes, but is much more than preser...

Google Drive / HERO PROJECT / Draw IO Introduction (MP4)

Today you will use the following link to review all of the useful tools on Google Drive.  Your Google Drive is a place to store files, create documents, spreadsheets, and presentation, and many other types of projects.  Please click  Google Drive  to see a video, and an extensive list of features about this tool you will be using in class for the rest of the marking period. Second,  you need to visit the following link:   Hero Project   This is an independent project you will be working on during the marking period.  You need to review the information at the website and make a plan to interview a local veteran of the armed forces.  Make sure you have your parent's permission before the interview.  You need to find out why they served, what they did (what was their job), and what their service means to them.  READ ALL DIRECTIONS prior to beginning this project.  Make sure you add a paragraph about what the interview meant to you...

Khan Academy Sign-Up (MP4)

Everyone at Collegium (Building 515) will use their GMail Account to create an Account on  KhanAcademy.Org ! Make sure that you finish updating your profile once you sign in. Go to your Profile screen and Add Mr. S as a Coach by entering the Khan Academy Class Code Below! Every student can use Khan Academy as an online tutor at home. You can pick just about any Subject and Level and view video lessons, answer practice questions, or ask a coach a question. There are tutorials for all of your subjects on this fantastic resource! Make sure you check out all the classes you can complete and help yourself with! Good Luck! - Mr. S Khan Academy Class Tutor Code (Mr. S):  CHVJTZ  When you have signed up, you may choose any of the courses available to start or preview. I would like everyone to start the course "BIG HISTORY". Let me know what you think about the "BIG HISTORY" course in an email later this marking period.  Next Week: we will be creating graphic organiz...

PIXLR Introduction / PIXLR Collage Project (MP4)

Today we will be working online with .  This is a powerful website  (CLICK HERE)  to help you work with and manipulate digital photographs.  Please use the time today to explore this software using pictures from Google Images. We will eventually be learning to take pictures and create a photo project book for the entire school.  This will be an artistic project aimed at helping you to use photography, journalism, and Microsoft Publisher.  We will be learning to use this software so you can create your own part of our Yearbook later this year. Digital Manipulation Video Intro PIXLR.COM ASSIGNMENT #1:   Find a picture online (Must Conform To Collegium Standard Use Guidelines) and use PIXLR.Com to change it and make it your own.  Follow the directions below: 1. Choose Picture from Google Images 2. Save Picture to Desktop 3. Open PIXLR.COM 4. Load Picture into PIXLR.COM Application from Desktop 5. Make changes to picture   a....


Happy Tuesday!  I HOPE EVERYONE HAD A RELAXING VACATION!  Today you will work on the FBI SOS Program. Please go to the link below and follow the instructions on the Student Section. You must work on each task in the 7th or 8th Grade Section. You will have time in class to finish some of the levels.  Tomorrow, when you feel you have gone through all the levels, you must ask me for a code to take the TEST ! You will receive a grade for the TEST and I will be notified when you have completed the program. This is an ongoing project until the end of Marking Period 4 . If you do not complete this program prior to the end of MP 4 , you will take a zero on this project. Take your time and Good Luck! -Mr. S When You Are Done: 1.  Go to  and take the  CHALLENGE The CHALLENGE is a graded task for class!      OBJECTIVE & STUDENT OUTCOMES  Students will begin to understand vocabulary and themes ...

12x12x12 Rule / Multiple Intelligences (MP4)

Today in class we will be discussing the following "RULE of 12x12x12".  We will talk about how it manifests itself in society even when we do not recognize we are doing it.  Hopefully you will be a little more aware of your judgement of others, and begin to carry yourself socially in a way that brings out the best in yourself and others.  Read the following passage to yourself and be prepared to discuss it in class.  Once completed, continue on to the Multiple Intelligence Survey and complete ALL ASSIGNED TASKS. 12 by 12 by 12 is the distance you are being judged by the people you meet every day of every week of every year of your life.  Your first impression starts 12 feet away. This is the distance people see what you are wearing and how you are acting. This is the first chance you have to make sure that people see you in a positive, accepting light.  At 12 inches away you are now about to speak. People will notice the minute details of the way your face ...

Left/Right Brain Dominance / Learning Styles / Typing Test (MP4)

Please take the following surveys that will help you to identify your learning style and whether you are left or right brain dominant: Left/Right Brain Dominance Survey Learning Style Inventory Make sure you record you findings on the exit ticket (Student Survey Form 2016/2017 Below) to turn in. When you are finished take the typing test (1 minute, any topic you like, and record your Words Per Minute): When complete, you must also click the Student Survey Form Below and enter your results. Student Survey Form 2016/2017 (Click Here) Go to TYPING.COM using the link below to create and account for this class: Typing.Com Student Sign-Up Link Begin working on improving your typing skills right away! Good Work so far in this class to everyone! - Mr. S OBJECTIVE & STUDENT OUTCOMES   Students will be able to identify their individual Learning Style, Left or Right Brain Dominance, and be tested on their basic typing skills.  Students will complete t...

Getting Started Right - Google Sign-In, Schoology, Google Classroom, Syllabus

Welcome to your new Technology Class! I am excited to be teaching here at Collegium Charter Middle School. Please click the following links to review our Syllabus and Class Rules. Today we will be logging into the computers, GMail Accounts, and setting up Google Classroom and Schoology. Students will be required to review our Classroom Rules, Syllabus, and other information (CLICK LINK BELOW TO REVIEW THE RULES AND SYLLABUS). Students must complete the STUDENT TECHNOLOGY SURVEY FORM for credit in class. I am glad you are here, and I look forward to helping you prepare for high school and beyond! Good Luck! - Mr. S TECHNOLOGY CLASS RULES AND COURSE SYLLABUS (CLICK HERE) STUDENT TECHNOLOGY SURVEY 2016-2017 ACADEMIC/LEARNING OBJECTIVE  Scholars will participate in an introductory program that includes finding out about classroom rules and procedures. Scholars will learn to access reference websites, complete initial technology survey, and understand how to complete the homework assign...