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MyBIO Google Slides Presentations 18-19 S1

MyBio Google Slides Presentation

Your assignment is to create a GOOGLE SLIDES PRESENTATION Slide Show that is all about you. Here is a list of the requirements and some suggestions for what to include in your slides.

(1) Saved as “(Your Name) Bio” and emailed to Mr. S
(2) Have a logical order to your slides
     (a) Do NOT follow the slide suggestions order
(3) Use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation
(4) Have 10 Slides
     (a) Include a Title Slide
     (b) Include a Birth Information Slide

(5) Have at least 4 Graphics/Photos that are related to their slides

Slide Suggestions: You may use these suggestions or come up with your own (APPROPRIATE CONTENT)

Title: First and Last Name **
Birth Information: Birthday, Birthplace, Length, Weight, and Time **

Accomplishments: List at least three accomplishments.
(Future) Career: What you want to be? How you will do this?
Class Schedule: What is your schedule this semester?
Dislikes: Identify your dislikes.
Family Information: Family Size, Parents Names, Siblings
Favorites: Identify your favorite things.
Friends: Who are you friends? What do you do with them for fun?
Goals: List short-term goals (for the year). List intermediate goals (for the next 3 years).
List long-term goals ("Bucket-List" for the next 10 years).
Hobbies: Identify your hobbies.
Job: What is your job? What are your job duties?
Likes: Identify your likes.
People: Have different people make comments about you.
** Required Slides

1. Sign into Google Drive
2. Open NEW Slides Presentation
3. Rename SLIDES "MyBio (Your Last Name) P(?) S1"
     Example: MyBio SCRIBNER P1 S1
4. Open new Browser Tab to Google Images
5. Select VIEW IMAGE of Full Size Pictures (You need at least 4 images in your project)
6. Save Images or Image URL's for Use In Presentation
7. Choose Template Style
8. Begin to enter personal information on each Slide.
9. Complete each slide by adding information and photos
10. SHARE with Mr. S for credit! DO NOT EMAIL! JUST SHARE IT!
11. Be Prepared To Present This To The Class In The Future!

 Students will use online collaboration tools (Google Drive) to create a 10-slide multimedia presentation.  Students will follow directions and use photos, text, and color to highlight specific facts about their topic.  Students will be able to understand the difference between a written report and how writing for a presentation requires bullet-style sentences.


  Students will log into their Google Drive and open a New PRESENTATION.  Students will learn the basic tools used to create a presentation.  Students will create a MY BIO Presentation about themselves.  Students will use Google Images to select pictures for use today.  Students will Copy the pictures selected to the desktop of the computer they are working with.  Students use PIXLR.Com to upload, manipulate, adjust, save and add pictures to their project.  Students must complete the steps below to CREATE and SHARE a MY BIO Presentation for credit.


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