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PMB Step 1: College/Major Day CSA MP4 S2 17-18

Objective:  Students will use online research tools, conversation and creativity to identify a prospective college or career path for themselves.  Based on the selection of college's they choose, they will identify a major course of study as well.  Once identified, students will perform a number of tasks to record and explain their choices.  Students will be asked to complete the following tasks as they reflect on their choices:

1.  Constructed Response Journal Entry - Personal Monthly Budget Worksheet (PMB)
2.  Navigation and Completion of College/Major Choice Project
3.  Completion of Online Form to record choices.
4.  Completion of Google Document (SHARE) to outline information about their choice. 

Today, the first thing you will create is a Journal Entry (see PMB Worksheet) after reading the following article:

Please describe what major you are interested in and why you chose it at this point in your life.  I realize college is a few years away, and I am sure your interests might change between now and when you are going to go to school, but you will use the information you develop today to research future careers tomorrow.  Eventually, you will be responsible for choosing a College, Career, and your first Job after college to complete the PERSONAL MONTHLY BUDGET PROJECT (PMB) over the next few weeks!


If you choose not to pick a college and major, you must identify another path to a career.  You will need to identify how you will receive training, and complete all the steps below based on that training choice.  I will explain what I mean in class.

After your Journal Entry is complete, please go to CollegeBoard.Org and create an account. (CLICK HERE).  You will use this site to research your College and Major and use the information tomorrow to decide what your first career might be.  You must complete the COLLEGE SEARCH and MAJOR AND CAREER SEARCH sections of the CollegeBoard.Org website prior to completing the survey below.

When you have completed today's research, please add the name of your college and the major you have chosen to the Google Spreadsheet by answering the following questions on this link:  

Next, you must open add the following information to the PMB Google Document:

College Name
College Address
Major Area of Study you would be interested in.
Sport you are interested in participating in.
Fraternity/Sorority you might belong too.
Extra-curricular activity you might be in.
What dorm you would be in during your freshman year / Where would you live?

How much the school costs (Credit Hour/$)
The name of the Sports Mascot
Name 2 places to eat.
Name 3 things to do around campus
Name 3 things to do off-campus
List the phone number for the following people:

  • Dean of Students
  • School Police
  • Dining Facility
  • Sports Complex
  • Main Campus Phone Number 
You must find out all the information listed above about the college or career training program you are most interested in.  You need to SHARE this document with me for credit.  In the case of a career training program (ITT Tech, Electrical Union, etc.) you will need to fill in as much information as possible. 

Tomorrow we will discuss Financial Literacy and Financial Planning, and you will see a list of entry-level positions that people could choose based on a variety of decisions.  You will be entering your college and major and choosing a career with this site.  Your choices will determine where you will live and what career you will start with.  We will also be discussing financial planning and investing later this week.

When you have completed the Journal Entry, College & Major Survey, and Google Document above, you are free to work on anything else you owe me for class.  Good Luck!

Good Luck!

Mr. S


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