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Soundation S2 17-18

As you enter the room today, go to your GMAIL and click COMPOSE.  Send an email to Mr. Scribner ( with the following information:  (SUBJECT: Effects of Music, Today's Date).  Please read the following article to yourself:

Once you have read the article, please answer the following questions in the body of the email to Mr. S:

How Does Music Affect You In Your Daily Life?  How Often Do You Listen To Music?  What Is Your Favorite Type Of Music, And Why?  What Was The Last Song You Listened To, And How Did It Make You Feel?

We will be using Soundation to create unique, and customized pieces of music.  You must follow the directions below, and export your music as a .WAV-File so you can use it in an upcoming project.  Please follow the directions below to begin creating music with If you have already used this program, it is your obligation in class to help others.  We will discuss the Essential Questions below in class prior to working on  HAVE FUN WITH THIS PROJECT!



Today is your day to familiarize yourself with how the program works, and how to navigate around the different toolboxes. Save anything that you want to keep by uploading files to your Google Drive or save them to your desktop. Because other students use these computers, there is no guarantee that your work will be here tomorrow.

SOUNDATION.COM INTRODUCTION:  Open the Application. I have included a short VIDEO from YouTube to help you work independently. Once I have finished the demonstration in class, use your headphones to listen to your work while you create a personal track. Try to create a track that is 20-25 seconds and includes any of the instruments listed in the Loop Browser. You will be using the final cut of this track you are creating as the background for the Marquise Project in Microsoft Movie Maker later in the Marking Period. Make sure it sounds like you want it too. When you are done look under the FILE section to Export Song To Disk as a WAV File and save it. You must upload your file to your GOOGLE DRIVE and SHARE it with MR. S for credit.  Please upload the file to the DROPBOX Link below as well:

When you have finished the project, use the GRADING RUBRIC below to figure out your score on this project. Additional learning should include working on completing the Music Lyric Project listed below, or use SOUNDATION.COM (Link Below) to create another unique song and EXPORT it as a .wav file for use later. Have Fun With This Project!

Step By Step Instructions
  1. Log In To Computer and Go To
  2. Click on STUDIO and select either Flash Version or Chrome Version.
  3. Create Music with at least 3 loops (minimum)
  4. When finished, Click FILE and "Export .WAV File" to your Desktop
  5. Play the file using Media Player and make sure it is at least 20-seconds long for credit.
  6. If you have access to Google Drive, Upload your file to your GDRIVE and SHARE it with Mr. S ( for credit.
  7. Once the file is on your Desktop, Open the Class Assignment Site ( and find the Soundation Project Post.
  8. Click the "MR. Scribner's Dropbox File Link To Upload WAV File" Button
  9. Follow the direction, using your Gmail Address to upload your file for credit.
  10. If you were able to sign into GOOGLE, you must also SHARE your file with me once it is uploaded to your Google Drive.
R - Redo
3 Loops Minimum
3 or more loops used
2 loops used
Only 1 loop used
Not Completed
Loops Blended Correctly
All Loops Sound Correctly Blended
One Loop Is Off Key or Out Of Sequence
Multiple Loops Are Off Key Or Out Of Sequence
Not Completed
File Is Exported As WAV file
File Correctly Exported To Desktop
File Exported But Lost
File Not Exported
Not Completed
File Is Uploaded to GDRIVE and SHARED for credit.
File Is Uploaded Correctly
File Is Not Uploaded Correctly
Overall Effort
Scholar worked diligently on the project and has at least a 20-25 second MP3 to useScholar included most items, but MP3 is less than 20 seconds long.Scholar\'s MP3 is too short and lacks more items or was not shared correctly for creditProject not completed at all

Once you are finished with these steps, you should now CHECK your website.  Once your link is active, you have finished today's assignment. 

SWBAT CREATE a 20-25 second MP3 for use in an upcoming project.  Scholar will use on Windows Destop (Chrome) or similar music production software to create, adjust, save, share, work with an original music arrangement using pre-downloaded LOOPS.


Project:  Scholars will open Soundation and use pre-downloaded LOOPS to create an original music (MP3) project of 20-25 seconds in length.  Scholars who do not bring headphones may complete an alternate project by reading articles about writing lyrics and submitting a Google Document with an original song of some kind.  Scholars must also complete a Constructed Response on Google Classroom about Music and Learning.



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