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Becoming Better Writers - Diagnostic

Today we will take a short break from our Multi-Media endeavors.  I would like everyone to go to and take a short diagnostic quiz.  This site will allow you to work independently on becoming a better writer.  You will be able to learn, and practice, identifying and fixing grammatical mistakes in your writing.  It will also help you to become more articulate.

Please sign up for the appropriate class using the passwords below:

CSA Period 3 - Class Code: safe ocean 26

CSA Period 7 - Class Code:  shiny cap 39

CSA Period 8 - Class Code:  melodic flag 33

CSA Period 9 - Class Code:  witty moose 82

CSA Period 10 - Class Code:  certain basket 63

Steps to Sign-Up and Complete Diagnostic

Prior to starting:  Sign into your Google Account and open a new tab on your browser. (Chrome)

Step 1:  Go to
Step 2:  Click on SIGN UP (Button)
Step 3:  Click on "I'm a Student"
Step 4:  Enter CLASS CODE exactly as listed above for your CSA class.
Step 5:  Click the "Sign Up With Google" Button
Step 6:  Select the appropriate GRADE you are in.
Step 7:  Choose enough interests to fill the Green Line and hit Continue
Step 8:  Click on the Diagnostic Assignment and complete it.

If you do not get done prior to class ending, you can finish on your own.  You have until October 11th to complete it.  You are not being graded on your score, only on whether you complete the diagnostic or not.  Future assignments will be graded for completion only.  You can sign-in and use this for practice on these skills anytime you like!

I hope this tool helps you to improve your writing, grammar, and your ability to communicate your thoughts and feelings as a writer.  Good Luck!

- Mr. S
SWBAT sign in and create an account on  This site is used as independent practice for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and writing skills.  Students will complete a short diagnostic in multiple areas, as well as completing the basic tutorial on how to use the site.  Students will be able to use this tool to help them improve overall writing skills and mistake identification/correction.


Project: Scholars will sign into Google, sign into, create accounts and begin completing the online diagnostic assignment.  Students will use specific codes, listed above, to create accounts for each CSA class this semester.  Students will be assigned minimum number of skills and tasks to help improve their writing in both form and function.


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