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Exploring Websites: Strikingly Single-Page PSA Site Creation Project

Exploring Websites (Unplugged)
Code.Org CS Discoveries Unplugged Lesson Plan (U2L01)

Technology Journal Entry Prompt

What was the last website you visited?
Why did you go to that website?

Overview:  Every website has a purpose, a reason someone created it and others use it. In this lesson, students will start to consider the purposes a website might serve, both for the users and the creators. Students will explore a handful of the most-used websites in the United States and try to figure out how each of those sites is useful for users and how they might also serve their creators.

Purpose:  Unit 2 is all about the World Wide Web, with a focus on creating websites for self expression. To start students thinking about why they might want to create a website, they must begin to consider how websites are useful tools for both users and creators. The lesson starts with popular websites because they all serve clear purposes for a large number of users, but eventually students are asked to narrow their vision to simpler sites that might serve the needs of a smaller user group.

Journal - The Last Website You Visited
Top 10 Websites Used Activity
Introduction to
Wrap-Up (What Website Will You Create)

Please check out  It is a little hard to understand at first, but your results are going to be fantastic.  If you master this tool, you will be creating stunning, professional-quality sites in no time!  Have Fun With This Project!

SEMESTER 1 (17-18) Student Topic List

Students will use collaborate to discuss and discover how websites can help us synthesize and present information to others.  Students will discuss the top websites that are used in society today.  Students will then complete an activity to learn the difference between a major industry website and a personal topic website.  Students will discuss the differences and similarities of both while completing the class worksheets.  Students will be introduced to the interface, and some examples of websites they can create.  Students will leave with the ability to start creating an outline of a website.
Students will enter the class quietly and LOG IN to Google Accounts. Students will read all directions posted on the class assignment site prior to starting work. Students will work together and complete all assigned tasks.  Students will be able to provide a topic for a Public Service Announcement Website for the next day's activity.


Primary Standards Met:
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.8.2.A: Introduce a topic clearly, previewing what is to follow; organize ideas, concepts, and information into broader categories; include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., charts, tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension.

PA BCIT K-12 15.3.8.S.Apply appropriate electronic communication based on message requirements.

CSTA K-12 Computer Science StandardsIC - Impacts of Computing
  2-IC-20 - Compare trade-offs associated with computing technologies that affect people's everyday activities and career options.

  5.1-L1 - 2. Collaboratively design, develop, publish, and present products (e.g., videos, podcasts, websites) using technology resources that demonstrate and communicate curriculum


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