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Photograph Manipulation Introduction (

Today we will be working online with  This is a powerful website (CLICK HERE) to help you work with and manipulate digital photographs.  Please use the time today to explore this software using pictures from Google Images. We will eventually be learning to take pictures and create a photo project book for the entire school.  This will be an artistic project aimed at helping you to use photography, journalism, and Microsoft Publisher.  We will be learning to use this software so you can create your own part of our Yearbook later this year.

ASSIGNMENT #1:  Find a picture online (Must Conform To Collegium Standard Use Guidelines) and use PIXLR.Com to change it and make it your own.  Follow the directions below:

1. Choose Picture from Google Images
2. Save Picture to Desktop
4. Load Picture into PIXLR.COM Application from Desktop
5. Make changes to picture
  a.  You must add some text, a background, and change the color or another feature for credit.
6. Save Formatted Picture to Desktop
7.  PLEASE CLICK THIS LINK ( and UPLOAD your file to Mr. Scribner's DROPBOX Account for credit.


Students will learn to use to load, manipulate, adjust, and save digital photographs.  Students will then use that knowledge to create a single photo for submission today, and create a digital photo collage to display online.  Students will successfully choose, alter, save and post their work online.  
Students will work individually to master the photo editing software suite.  They will choose photos from Google Images to work with today, alter them using PIXLR.COM.  Students must UPLOAD and SHARE the project using Mr. S's Dropbox Link (see above).


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