Choosing Modules is part of the Unisa Unisa’s online registration process 2020. Know Unisa Registration dates 2020, Find out more about 2020 registrations … Be sure to take part before the late Application . How to Choose Modules at Unisa Click on the modules from the drop-down list for which you want to register. You must; Meet All the Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites for The Selected Module Enter the Correct Module Code Select the Correct Semester (1 = First Semester; 2 = Second Semester) Indicate in Which Language You Want to Receive Your Study Material (English or Afrikaans) Do not exceed the prescribed number of modules per semester or year, as your registration will not be processed. Please also take Unisa’s re-admission rules into consideration when selecting your number of modules for the semester or year.
Having started its rise in the 2010s, fintech has changed the image of traditional financial services . With online banking, online investing, and online payments already existing, it has been only a matter of time for mortgage and loans to become digital products. They are becoming much more convenient than their traditional versions, more oriented at customers, and less time-consuming. And all these benefits are completed with the fact that millennials, one of the forces that powered the rise of fintech, are ready to become the target clients of the housing market. As the demand for mortgages is growing and the market orients at the digital users, online mortgage services aim to meet the needs of the present and replace traditional loan services. Here, the essentials of building an online mortgage service are revealed: the pitfalls, recommendations, and best practices. Why online mortgages thrive My colleague once wrote that fintech appeared as a r...